Thursday, January 26, 2012

Big walker, little eater.

Life around here lately has been a little upside down. Since finding out we are moving our store and getting ready for Miles first birthday bash, we have been busier than normal. I feel like he changes on a weekly basis. He got three more teeth last week and is in a good mood again. He has begun walking everywhere. Ben and I have decided it's just easier to crawl around following him than to try to sit down and get comfy. Half the time he doesn't even know where he is going, nor does he care, but just takes off. He gets his little legs moving so fast and just hopes his body can keep up. He is getting much better at it too, he can now walk from where our leather chair is into the laundry room.

On the eating side, I'm realizing he is a little texture man. He loves anything dry: crackers, Graham crackers, tortillas, bread, puffs, etc. He gets so grossed out anytime he touches something such as a banana or a cooked piece of sweet potato. If you try to put it on a spoon and feed it to him that way you'd think you're giving him d-con. Then at that point, you're screwed for the rest of the meal because he thinks that every time the spoon goes towards his face it's got something scary in it. Maybe his teeth will make a difference. And if not, well, let's jut hope he gets the hang of it before kindergarten.

On that topic, I'm pretty sure he'll think he's being punished when I put his birthday cake in front of him with messy icing.

Here is a picture of him from yesterday morning. This kid is a character but it makes him even more lovable.

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1 comment:

erin and dutch said...

i love him. seriously where did the last year go?! how can he be ONE?