Friday, October 5, 2012

20 months!

This month will be busy, but in a hopefully good way. This weekend I'm having a garage sale and a shower and Ben goes on a fishing trip. Then the third weekend Ben is off so we are heading to Chicago for a night just for fun. Linda and her family are going to Greece for an extended fall break so Grammy Marcia is going to help out a few days here and there while she is gone. In November, big Miles makes his debut at Primrose. I'm sure he'll do fine when he gets used to it, but I'm gearing myself up for some big tears from all of us those first few days. I don't feel like he is a shy boy and I think he plays pretty well with others but he is always with people he knows well, and these will be new faces for him. We will see. I'll try dropping him off the first day but hopefully I'm not back by noon to pick him up! He's so funny lately and I feel like he is finally to the point where you can kind of talk to him/reason with him a little. For example, he gets in the car better if you tell him we're going to drive to look for horses. Then when I slow down and roll his window down, he leans up and says "oooooohhhhhhhhhh" if he sees a horse. If he doesn't see one and they are in the barn, he puts his hands up in the air and mumbles something like "where are they?"
As far as food goes, he still doesn't like real fruits and vegetables but his new thing is he loves pretty much anything dipped in ketchup, bbq sauce or ranch. Tater tots, french fries, chicken, pork, hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, grilled cheese. I started giving him some peanut butter and he loves it. He also loves chocolate milk and milk shakes (duh, who doesn't).
Last weekend I took him to Huntington with me because Ben had to work open to close for a few consecutive days (is it winter yet??) We left at his nap time so he slept for about an hour of the way. Then Erin let me borrow her dvd player so he watched a baby einstiein. *Side note: After borrowing that little piece of gold, I sent Ben to target and he came home with a 2 pack of dvd players. Love him. Anyways, Miles loved Huntington. A huge yard to run around, and a grandpa giving him EVERYTHING he wants. I told my dad miles likes bobcats and dozers so one of the driveways didn't even need it but dad said "well, I guess I could grate the driveway" so Miles stood and watched the bobcat go back and forth for quite some time. I got some cute pictures of him while he was watching. Now I think whenever he sees a bobcat he thinks grandpa is in it.

Watching grandpa.

Snooze on the way to Huntington.

Parkin' with Linda.

Mowing grandpas driveway.

Loving salsa.

Playing in rice!!!

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