Friday, May 6, 2011

be still my heart.

so its been a while since i've blogged. I need to be better about this considering when i am feeding miles in the middle of the night i love to catch up on my blog reading on my phone. hopefully those night feedings will be few and far between sooner than i know. He now sleeps from 10-4:30 ish then back down until around 7. We are going to start putting him down earlier and try an 8-8 schedule. we'll see how that goes. i know the whole "cry it out" method is going in effect pretty soon so i'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will not take him very many nights for that.

this weekend is kind of a big deal. miles will be dedicated at our church on saturday, then we are having a cookout afterwards. i got him a spiffy outfit for the occasion. pics to follow of that scene.

other than that we have settled in to our "new normal". i managed to get back on the treadmill last week and ben has been doing yard work. we are still sleeping upstairs in the bedroom next to the nursery, which we actually really like. norm is still norm. just to give you an idea of how our mornings go, one day last week ben had to open at the course and so he fed norm on the way out of the house. norm comes back upstairs and gets back in bed with me (I didn't notice he had gotten up and went downstairs with Ben). Then I get up about 30 minutes later, get Miles, go downstairs, make a bottle, put a pot of coffee on, and feed norm. yep, norm ate 4 cups of dog food and a bone for breakfast. then i checked my phone to see a text that ben said he fed him. if you've ever seen norm eat you know that there is no sign in that bowl that he is ever fed, its always empty. those are the kinds of things that we laugh and say "oh well". no time or energy to worry about it!

my next blog will probably be about the disastrous nights that are ahead when we stop swaddling him when he sleeps!

1 comment:

Laura said...

He is so so so adorable. Happy first Mother's Day to you!!!!! So happy you are a MOM!!! xoxox Laura