Friday, January 6, 2012

looking forward to 2012!

Let's be honest, 2011 was a doozie.

It was the most fun, wonderful, difficult, eye opening, sleep deprived, educational, inspiring, hopeful, stressful, amazing, indescribable, exhausting, incredible year of our lives. I think this year is going to be a blast. We feel a sense of accomplishment that we have a healthy, thriving 11 month old. We did it. We raised a baby. A ha
ppy baby at that. Now we look forward to Miles eating real foods, walking (almost there!), talking more, sleeping in later, and more teeth.

We've accomplished two big milestones lately.
1. No more sleep sack. He just sleeps in zip up pajamas with a onesie underneath. (not that anyone cares about this, its more for my own records.)
2. No more baby bath. If you've seen him lately, you know he is a WILD MAN. He wanted out of that baby bath so we now just put water in
the bath and he wallers around in it, not caring if his fa
ce gets in the water.

He is on the verge of walking. He loves the radio flyer cart to push all his toys around in. We got a handheld video camera for Christmas and as soon as I figure out how to post the videos from the camera directly to you tube, I'll post it.

For now, here are a few pics of pure sweetness.

Grandma Becky got Miles a Gymboree class for Christmas. She said he loves it and has the pictures to prove it. Besides the awkward first class where he stared down a black lady and continued to stare after my mom moved him 3 times, it has been great.

I wanted to snap a picture of him with the Christmas tree before we took it down the other day. I couldn't have dreamed of a more perfect picture.

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