Monday, February 6, 2012

walk of shame.

five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear
five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure, measure a year?

in daylights in sunsets
in midnights, in cups of coffee
in inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife
in five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure a year in the life?

i'm measuring it in the times i get to walk in the door and see that sweet face smiling back at me.

our sweet miles turned one year old. we celebrated by taking him to le peep for pancakes. one of the few foods he enjoys eating. then he went to his gymboree class with his grandma and hung out with her for the afternoon. saturday was the birthday bash. 30 + people in your house + first birthday chaos = 2 excedrin for mom. it was fun and we are glad we did it. it IS a big deal. it's a small miracle that we made it through the first year. miles i'd never doubt but ben and i have come a long way! i don't even know what else to say about the first year. it was the most rewarding learning experience ever.

miles went for his 1 year checkup the monday after his birthday party. he was acting a little funny that morning but it's hard telling with babies this age if they are hungry, tired, teething, etc. we get in there and the doctor wants to look at his ears and miles was not having it. we end up having to put him on the table and hold him down. he was so ticked off and upset and i couldn't get him calmed down, even after the doctor said his ears were fine and left. i'm trying to settle him down before the nurse comes back in to give him his shots, and he pukes EVERYWHERE. all over himself, all the way down my right side, and all over the floor. mom of the year had no extra clothes in his bag so we just held him down once more, got his shots over with, and walked quickly past the nurses station, check in area, and waiting room. it turned out he had a stomach virus that lasted a few days but i think he is back to normal now.

p.s. This post has been saved as a draft since the day after the doctor. Just now finally posting!

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