Saturday, August 25, 2012

18 mo. check up.

never happened. we were all geared up to go back to the doc (after a few rough visits. one of which miles puked in the doctors office and the other which we had an hour wait, keep in mind the pediatrician office shares a waiting room with an immediate care office) and he was sick for a week afterwards. He either picked up a virus in that office or the shots made him sick. Either way, not a good couple of experiences. So Thursday was his 18 month wellness checkup where pretty much test his awesomeness. ha. We also knew he was scheduled for another round of vaccines and then didn't have to get anymore until he is five. His appointment was at 3:30 so I told linda i would pick him up at three. She put him down for a nap at 12:15 and at 2:45 he was still sleeping so she woke him up to get him ready for his appt. Then she texted me and said maybe it was because he just got up but he was feeling feverish. Greeeaaaaaaat. We haven't even gotten to the drs. office and he's already got a fever. I talked it over with ben and we said screw it. We have been thinking about switching pediatricians for a while and we figured there was no sense in taking him one more time and to just start fresh with his 18 mo. checkup with a new doc. We think he needs a lady doc and we love the lady in our current office but thought we'd just switch all together. So Monday is the big day. Let's hope "Dr. Glass" is as sweet as can be to our precious "bitty" as we like to call him. I don't want him to be scared of his doctor and so it was time for a switch. Our "old" doc was nice and I like his thinking on things but let's be honest. Miles warms up to ladies a lot easier than men.
I'll be sure to post an update on Monday! Say a prayer for a good experience!!!

Oh, and Miles is doing better. He did have a fever Thursday and Friday but may be his teeth and seemed more normal this morning before I left him for the day with Grammy Marcia.

Last weekend we had some good friends of ours visit from Atlanta for the weekend. Laura was my college roommate and wish she lived closer! Adam and Laura have an adorable little gal named Caroline who came along as well. Norm was thrilled with visitors who loved on him.

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