Tuesday, August 28, 2012

dr. glass, medicine woman.

This lady was a-m-a-z-i-n-g. First of all, we get there and I say to Ben, I'm gonna run in and fill out the paperwork so get miles out of the and take your time coming in. Before I got the one sheet filled out they called us back. Already off to a good start. We walk back to the room, the nurse ("Evelyn") opened the door and guess what was plastered all over the room?
CATS!!!!! YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!
First we saw this cat poster:

The nurse was asking us a bunch of questions and Miles starts talking and pointing up at the ceiling. We look up and this is on the ceiling. A cover on the fluorescent light:

Hahahaha, creepy to us, maybe, but Miles felt like these cats were going to be his guardian angels  looking down on him. Miles did get a little nervous about the nurse putting the tape measure around his head but not bad. Then Dr. Glass came in. Seriously I'm in love with this woman. She came in, said hi to Miles and sat a bucket of toys down and started talking to Ben and I. Miles got down and handed her the toys out of the bucket one by one, which she proceeded to line up on the edge of the table so he could see them. She told him she liked his IU shirt and that she went to IU. Another plus. :) He didn't like her checking him out but she continued to talk to him in a sweet voice and was very quick doing it. She asked us if we had any height in our families. I wanted to say "um, no. you should see his grandpas!" She said he is in the 95th percentile for height at a whopping 34 inches tall. At 27.5 lbs, he is in the 74th for weight. So he got his flu shot and one other one and doesn't have to get anymore until he goes to kindergarten. woohoo. And he doesn't go back for another check up until he is two.

Just love our sweet boy. Some days I feel like my heart jumped out of my chest and is walking around with the name of Miles.

Here is one more picture (after the doctor was finished) pushing around one of her toys on her stool.

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