Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanks and giving.

I came across this blog post tonight and I just had to share. What a perfect time for this to put me in my place. It's so hard to always be grateful when you are so easily distracted by other things in life, many of which are not important. I'll be honest, I get a bit annoyed with the daily Facebook posts about being thankful. Those peeps need to head to Barnes & Noble (or Oliver's Twist, whichever is closer) and pick up a Gratitude journal ASAP. However, I understand the shift in attitude from complaining to gratitude and for that you've got to respect their thinking. This thanksgiving, I'm thankful for:
1. Reading this post to help me put things in to prospective.
2. Our health.
3. This precious little person who has spunk like no one I've ever seen.

4. Grandparents who love miles to pieces.
5. A job I love.
6. A husband I love even more. He's my BFF, my partner in crime, my Starbucks deliverer, and the best dad. Life is so much easier with him around and I'm so blessed to have him.
7. A perfect God and the freedom to worship Him.

Cheers to a great thanksgiving twenty twelve.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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