Thursday, January 17, 2013

Christmas 2012

I'm going to have to play catch up here for a bit to get up to date. Christmas was a complete whirlwind this year. Starting with my birthday on the 21st. We had the Davidson family Christmas that day with just the immediate family. We picked Miles up from school around 3:30 and when I picked him up he was having a snack and playing. We wished the teachers a Merry Christmas and hopped in the car to head to Greenwood. We have a DVD player in the car that kept skipping so Ben handed Miles his phone for something to look at on the trip. A few minutes after we had been on 37 it starts. Miles starts coughing and then starts projectile vomiting everywhere. And by everywhere it was on the car door. Ben and I look at each other like "uh, what now?" I called Grammy Marcia and told her to get the towels ready, because we were going to need a few, or a lot. We got him there and it was a tag team effort. Marcia and I cleaned him up and Ben and Larry cleaned the carseat/car. After he was clean and his clothes were changed (thank goodness we had thrown his pajamas in a bag), he was good as new. We think he got car sick from looking down at the phone. We won't let him have a phone in the car again. It ended up being a fun night and we were relieved he wasn't really sick.

The 22nd we just hung around home and then the 23rd we went back to Greenwood for the Davidson/Hillenburg Christmas. It was great. The kids were all in good moods and we had a fun time. We got home and put Miles to bed and went to bed. About 3:30 a.m. I woke up with a stomach ache thinking "no, I'm just going to go back to sleep and it will go away." Well that didn't happen. I threw up from 3:30 - 9:30 on Christmas Eve. Miles and Ben were fine. It was one of those days I was so happy to be married to Ben. He totally took over. Played with Miles in the basement most of the day while I stayed in bed. I was bummed we were missing Christmas Eve church and our Oliver Christmas. Before I knew it Ben had gone to Panera to get soup, gave Miles a bath, and had put his Christmas pajamas on him. Sounds like not a big deal but it brought tears to my eyes. After Miles went to bed, I managed to get up and help Ben get Miles' Christmas stuff set up for morning......

Christmas morning Miles was underwhelmed. He is a little too young to understand Santa and presents so I think Ben and I had more fun getting him a few things than he did. My parents brought us food on Christmas Day (their leftovers from Christmas Eve). We ended up doing our Oliver' Christmas on Friday of that week. It was just as fun but not quite the same without it being Christmas Eve.

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